Grant Opportunities

Agriculture in the Classroom Teacher Supplement Grant

The Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation in partnership with the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation offers grants up $200 to support the integration of agriculture into regular classroom instruction or after-school programs with an academic focus. Agriculture in the Classroom Teacher Supplement Grants are designed to initiate new projects or expand existing projects that promote agriculture literacy in Iowa. Grants can be used to fund innovative lessons, activities, classroom resources, guest speakers, outreach programs, field trips and other projects.

The 2025 grant is now closed. Read more about the 2025 grant winners here.

   2025 TSG Guidelines.pdf  2025 TSG Rubric.pdf 2025 Project Ideas.pdf

Iowa Excellence in Teaching about Agriculture Award

The Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation offers one award given to an Iowa educator currently engaged in classroom instruction at the pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade levels. This award recognizes a non-vocational teacher for their integrated efforts to teach students about the importance of agriculture. The teacher selected will receive $500 and have up to $1,000 of their related expenses paid to attend the National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference.

The 2024 application is now closed. Come back next fall when you can self-nominate or nominate a colleague for this prestigious award. If you nominate a colleague, the teacher will be notified they have been nominated, but please note they will then need to apply officially themselves. If you have any questions, please email Ellen Lupkes

Congratulations to our 2024 Iowa Excellence in Teaching about Agriculture winner, Kerri Bell. Learn more about Mrs. Bell here.

Grant Opportunities from Other Organizations

White-Reinhardt Mini-Grants

The American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture offers the White-Reinhardt Mini-Grant Program to fund projects that will increase agricultural literacy. County and state Farm Bureaus may apply for grants of up to $1,000 for classroom education programs for grades K-12 in order to initiate new agriculture literacy programs or expand existing programs. Grants are available on a competitive basis.

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White-Reinhardt Scholarships

The American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture offers White-Reinhardt Scholarships to the attend the National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference to full-time educators and/or volunteers that actively participate in classroom agriculture literacy programs or events. This scholarship program is to provide travel expense funds to attend the national conference and then use the information gained to expand their outreach to students regarding food, fiber and fuel.

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National Agriculture in the Classroom Scholarship

The National Agriculture in the Classroom Organization with support from the CHS Foundation offers up to 55 scholarships for teachers to attend the National Agriculture in the Classroom conference. The scholarship applications are due in February and the conference is held in June.

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CHS Classroom Grant

The National Agriculture in the Classroom Organization with financial support from the CHS Foundation offers five $1,500 grants to be awarded to kindergarten through 12th grade core education teachers whose innovative classroom projects use agricultural concepts to teach reading, writing, math, nutrition, science and/or social studies.

Application for grant proposals opens in July and the deadline is in September.

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The Bonnie Plants 3rd Grade Cabbage Program

Through this hands-on science lesson, students will learn about backyard ecology and plant life cycles by growing colossal cabbages and reaping hefty harvests. Students also vie for “Best in State” bragging rights — with a $1,000 scholarship awarded to one student in each participating state!

Application deadline is March 1.

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Teaching Garden Grants

The American Heart Association Teaching Gardens Network is a one stop shop for everything you need to start or enhance a school or community garden. Join the network and learn about possible grant opportunities.

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Aquaponics Grants

Grants for your school to set up an aquaponics system.

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Association of American Educators - Classroom Grants

Classroom grants can be used for a variety of projects and materials, including but not limited to books, software, calculators, supplies, audio-visual equipment, and lab materials.

Deadlines are in October and March.

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Captain Planet Foundation

Educators, both K-12 classroom and informal, who are interested in receiving support for students to design and implement hands-on environmental solutions are eligible for project funding.

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Chrysalis Fund

The Chrysalis Fund fosters the future of entomology through grants to K-12 teachers and other educators who use insects in the classroom to get kids excited about science.

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The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation

The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation (FTPF) is dedicated to planting fruitful trees and plants to alleviate world hunger, combat global warming, strengthen communities, and improve the surrounding air, soil, and water. FTPF programs strategically donate orchards where the harvest will best serve communities for generations, at places such as community gardens, public schools, city/state parks, low-income neighborhoods, Native American reservations, international hunger relief sites, and animal sanctuaries.

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Fund for Teachers

This program provides provides educators with resources needed to pursue self-designed professional learning experiences. FFT grants are used for an unlimited variety of projects; all designed to create enhanced learning environments for teachers, their students and their school communities.

Application opens in October.

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The Jane Goodall Institute - Roots and Shoots

U.S. educators, individuals and group leaders are invited to apply for a $250 mini-grant to start, support, or celebrate a community-action project to positively impact people, other animals, and/or the environment.

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They offer inspiration and support to educators and families by way of grants, original educational resources, and by cultivating a community of practice.

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Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education - Youth Educator Grants

Youth Educator grants support projects by youth educators that encourage youth to try sustainable practices and explore sustainable agriculture as a viable career option.

Applications are due in November.

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Silos & Smokestacks National Heritage Area (SSNHA) Bus Grant program

The Silos & Smokestacks National Heritage Area (SSNHA) Bus Grant program is a grant initiative designed to help schools in the 37 county heritage area fund the transportation costs associated with field study trips to designated SSNHA Partner Sites and farm sites giving students the opportunity to learn about America’s agricultural heritage firsthand. The grant funds 75% of the total amount of transportation to and from the school and the selected SSNHA Partner Site or farm site for the field study trip, award not to exceed $350.00.

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Toshiba America Foundation

Toshiba America Foundation has grants for K-5 programs, and 6-12 programs.

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Walmart - Community Grants

Grants are a for K-12 public or nonprofit private school, charter school, community/junior college, state/private college or university; or a church or other faith-based organization, and range from $250-$5,000. Proposed projects must benefit the community at large.

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Whole Kids Foundation: Garden Grants

The Garden Grant program provides a $3,000 monetary grant to support a new or existing edible educational garden at either a: K–12 School, 501(c)(3) Non-profit working in partnership with a K–12 school, or a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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