Direct Donations
As global population rises so does the demand for food. Global population will reach more than 9 billion by the year 2050 showcasing the need for increased food production. Our quality of life will depend on continued advancements in infrastructure, technology, and science to address the growing need. It is more important now than ever that students, parents, teachers, and consumers understand that agriculture is so much more than cows, plows and sows. Students may step into one of the 21 million future careers that will need to address these problems with science-based and technology-based solutions.
But it all starts with a seed. A seed of an idea. A seed of inspiration – opening students’ eyes up to the world of agriculture that surrounds them. From the food we eat, to the clothes we wear, to the fuel that powers our cars, agriculture affects our lives every day.
Agriculture! It is all about you.
Please consider a gift today to support agriculture literacy efforts in your community and across Iowa.
Donate easily and directly by credit card.
Gifts of Grain
Iowa farmers can save significant taxes by contributing commodities such as corn and soybeans to their favorite nonprofit.
Why Donate Grain Directly?
Tax Savings
Cash charitable contributions are deductible only as an itemized deduction from adjusted gross income which results in reducing federal income tax only. Many farmers do not itemize deductions because the standard deduction has greatly increased over the years.
By transferring legal ownership of grain to the Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation, the producer avoids having to include the sale of the crop in income, which results in savings on federal and state income tax and self-employment tax.
Use Professional Advisors
Donating grain can be part of a great tax reduction strategy. Consult with a professional tax or legal advisor to determine tax implications prior to making a gift due to rapidly changing tax laws.
Crop Share Landlords
Shares of crop are categorized as rental income and must be included as reportable income by the landlord, making the crop share landlord ineligible for maximum tax benefits from the gifting of grain.
Helpful Tips for Making Gifts of Grain
- Timing. Gifts of grain can be donated from the current or previous year’s harvest. Donate grain in a previous tax year to receive maximum tax advantages. Make the donation early in the year so there is no question it was from a prior year’s harvest.
- Unsold commodity. The gift should be from an unsold crop inventory with no prior sale commitment. A farmer will gift the grain to the Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation and IALF will decide what to do with it and when to sell it.
- Physical delivery. Be sure the gift is a farm commodity, not a warehouse receipt, which could be considered a cash equivalent. The charity must be able to demonstrate “control and dominion” over the gifted commodity.
- Retention of control. Farmers cannot offer any guidance in the transfer agreement as to the retention or sale of the gifted commodity.
- Documentation. A properly executed warehouse receipt in the IALF name or a notarized letter of transfer for crops stored on the farm is necessary. The original sale invoice should list IALF as the seller.
- Storage and transportation costs. After the transfer, IALF will assume costs of storage, marketing, and transportation of the gifted commodity.
Interested in making a donation of grain? Download and fill out the ‘Letter from Producer’ and provide it to the co-op or elevator when you deliver your crop. Or contact us at 515-331-4182 for more information.
Planned Giving
Making a Planned Gift can help provide for the long-term sustainability of Agriculture in the Classroom programs here in Iowa. Whether you desire to structure your planned gift to provide funding where the need is greatest or to benefit specific programs, we have opportunities to make your vision come to life - bequests, trusts, gifts of insurance.
If you have already included a gift to the Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation or Iowa Agriculture in the Classroom in your plans, we ask that you provide a copy of your will or living trust—or only the section that specifically pertains to your bequest. Your information will be used for long-term organizational planning and confidentially kept on file to guarantee your wishes are appropriately followed and your gift receives proper recognition.
Learn More with this Informational Brochure
Planned Giving Speak to a Representative
Reports and Documents
Agriculture is STEM
Make everything count this year and become a fundraising hero. By fundraising for IALF, your support will encourage students to learn about exciting careers in agriculture and STEM.
Specialty License Plate

The new agriculture specialty license plate is a great way to show your pride for the #1 industry in Iowa - AGRICULTURE! Proceeds from the sale of the plate will support three important youth organizations that help students learn about agriculture, leadership, and life skills.
The Iowa FFA Foundation serves the 14,800 student member organization in 225 chapters across Iowa. They help students develop their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success.
The Iowa 4-H Foundation provides funds for many of the opportunities that help young people enhance their ability to use critical thinking, leadership, communication, and social skills. They serve more than 100,000 youth in Iowa.
The Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation serves as the central resource for educators and volunteers who want to teach Iowa’s students about agriculture. We coordinate and support the Agriculture in the Classroom efforts throughout the state