The Farm Match
Target Grade Level / Age Range:
30 minutes
Students will learn to associate different animals, crops, and machines with agriculture.
- Adult livestock photographs (sheep, cows, pigs, goats)
- Young livestock photographs (lambs, calves, piglets, kids)
- Colored paper
- Glue
Suggested Companion Resources:
- Farm Animals by Bobbie Kalman
- Educator’s Guide to Farm Animals by Bobbie Kalman
- Who Grows Up on the Farm? By Theresa Longenecker
- Calf – a young cow
- Kid – a young goat
- Lamb – a young sheep
- Piglet – a young pig
- Chick – a young chicken
- Beef – the meat from beef cows
- Dairy – products from the milk of a dairy cow
- Pork – meat from a pig
- Foal – A young horse
Interest Approach or Motivator:
Students will use visuals to associate words and their meanings with pictures.
Background – Agricultural Connections:
Livestock are an important part of American agriculture, and their products are used every day. From meat to by-products like glue and plastic, livestock are an important part of our lives! Farmers all across the country work every day to ensure that these animals are well cared for.
- Read the book Farm Animals by Bobbie Kalman.
- Cut out large pictures of adult livestock and glue them to colored paper. For older students, label the pictures and have students read the names aloud.
- Cut out smaller pictures of baby livestock.
- In groups of 4, have students choose from the assortment of pictures the correct young that match the adult livestock species.
- Talk with students about the products that come from these livestock animals and what farmers do to care for them.
Essential Files:
Extension Activities:
This activity can be broadened to include matching of seeds to plants (an ear of corn with a corn plant, wheat head with a wheat plant, etc.) or machinery with their purposes (combines with a field being harvested, a tractor pulling a planter, etc.).
Cassie Hackman
Organization Affiliation:
Chickasaw County Agriculture in the Classroom
Agriculture Literacy Outcomes:
- Plants and Animals for Food, Fiber & Energy Outcomes, K-2, Science: Identify animals involved in agriculture production and their uses (i.e., work, meat, dairy, eggs)
Iowa Core Standards:
- 21.K–2.ES.1 Essential Concept and/or Skill: Communicate and work appropriately with others to complete tasks.
- 21.K–2.ES.2 Essential Concept and/or Skill: Recognize different roles and responsibilities and is open to change.
- 21.K–2.ES.4 Essential Concept and/or Skill: Develop initiative and demonstrate self–direction in activities.
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