Apple Farm Book to Debut at Cultural Event
WEST DES MOINES, Iowa – July 27, 2018– The Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation is pleased to announce that it has received a Cultural Heritage Project Grant from the Iowa Arts Council, a division of the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs.
Grant funds will support increasing the educational material available to teach about fruit tree production (apples) in Iowa by disseminating the next book in a series – My Family’s Apple Farm. The book will be accompanied by educational standards-aligned lesson plans and instructional materials to provide teachers involved in educating students the resources they need to link apple production to science, social studies, and language arts curricula. The Cultural Heritage Project Grants create opportunities for cultural growth in Iowa by investing in community projects that positively impact the cultural vitality of the state, demonstrate public value and support quality jobs for Iowans. Cultural heritage is defined as the ways of living developed by a community and passed on from generation to generation, including: customs, practices, places, objects, artistic expressions and values.
The primary goal of this project is to debut the book at one of Iowa's 45 apple orchards creating an event that enriches the cultural experience for readers and participants. The event would include activities connected to the history of apple production and the value that modern apple farms provide to Iowa in the form of local products and agritourism. This event will be open to the public and attendees will receive a copy of the book and the chance to tour the orchard to learn about apple production in Iowa. The event will be organized in partnership with the Iowa Heartland Resource Conservation & Development
The book will target 3rd grade learners and highlight apple production in Iowa. Books will be distributed to schools, libraries, apple growers, and others interested in teaching about apple production. The book will feature Jesse Hiatt and Iowa's history in developing the Red Delicious Apple as well as connect to modern apple production. The book will be debuted at an apple farm through an event that will connect Iowans to this unique cultural heritage.
“Iowa has a history of apple production including Hiatt’s Hawkeye variety, the Lane apple tree stock farm, and many more,” said Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation executive director, Will Fett. “This event will help connect Iowans with that history and help them understand how apples are still produced in Iowa today.”
The My Family’s Apple Farm books will be provided to 1,700 elementary classrooms throughout Iowa. They will be made available to libraries, apple orchards, and other educators interested in teaching about apple production. A digital version of the book will also be made available on the Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation’s website at
Funding for the Cultural Heritage Project Grant program is made possible by an annual appropriation from the Iowa Legislature to the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs. The program is administered by the Iowa Arts Council on behalf of the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs.
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About the Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation
IALF serves as a central resource for educators and volunteers who want to teach Iowa’s students about agriculture. The mission is to educate Iowans, with a focus on youth, regarding the breadth and global significance of agriculture. Iowa is a leading producer of agricultural products that are essential to feed a growing world population, estimated to reach more than 9 billion by 2050. IALF believes it is important for all Iowans to understand the essential role agriculture has in their lives. IALF will support existing agriculture education efforts such as FFA, 4-H and Ag in the Classroom. IALF was created through a joint effort of agricultural stakeholders, including the Iowa Corn Growers Association, Iowa Farm Bureau Federation, Iowa Pork Producers Association, Iowa Soybean Association, Silos and Smokestacks Foundation, DuPont Pioneer, GROWMARK, and the Iowa Beef Industry Council. For more information visit IALF online at, on Facebook, and Twitter.
Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation
Will Fett, Executive Director
Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation
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